The end of “old” bank accounts for financial offices
The General Financial Directorate informs in its Financial Bulletin [Finanční zpravodaj] no. 3/2014, sec. 84/2014 FB that the interim period for sending payments to the financial offices' old and new bank accounts will end on 31 December 2014.
On 1 January 2013, the territorial authorities of the then existing financial offices were transformed (under Act no. 456/2011 Coll., on the Financial Administration of the Czech Republic) and new bank accounts were opened for them at the Czech National Bank. The list of the bank accounts can be found on web pages of the Financial Administration of the Czech Republic (
During the two-year interim period, the Czech National Bank automatically transferred all payments sent to the original bank accounts to the new bank accounts of the financial offices. After 1 January 2015, all such payments will be returned to the bank accounts of the senders.
We recommend checking all settings concerning payments (in the accounting or other IT systems) so that all payments are send to the correct bank accounts for the financial offices.